he made three voyages he found the "new world" or what we call the Americas today. Not that he made three voyages.
el imperio
Some people refer to the time before Europeans arrived in the Americas as Pre-Colonial days. The Europeans went through a period of Renaissance before the Colonists first came to the Americas.
Peasants, commoners, villein, farmer, peon, or slave. It depends on what work they did.
A farmer.
A farmer in Hindi is called "किसान" (kisaan).
you call a successful farmer a farmer that keeps the farm animals feed and the fields mowed and fertilized. and one that keeps crops growing big and strong.
a farmer
A farmer.
he made three voyages he found the "new world" or what we call the Americas today. Not that he made three voyages.
dairy farmer
Someone that is a bee farmer called a Beekeeper or Apiarist.
The New World
Amerigo Vespucci was the first to call the Americas a new world. Amerigo Vespucci was an explorer who first discovered America.
A Tobacco Farmer...