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Q: What did William the Conquerer do at the west minister?
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Who was William the Conquerer?

a famous conquerer

Who unified England under Norman rule?

William the Conquerer

Is William of Normandy William the conquerer?

Yes. He is called William the Conquerer because he conquered England from 1066 onwards.

How old was william conquerer when he died?

William the Conquerer was fifty-nine years old when he died.

Who became king in the Battle of Hastings?

I believe it was William the Conquerer. the battle of Hastings was won by William of Normandy (William the Conquerer) who became William the first of England.

Is Queen Elizabeth related to William the Conqueror?

Queen Elizabeth I does not have a direct line of decent from William the Conquerer. However Queen Elizabeth II isdecended from William the Conquerer through Edward IV; when the royal lines reconverged. William the Conquerer is her 22nd times Great Grandfather.

How did feudalism come about?

William the Conquerer brought it there.

Who built warwick castle?

William the Conquerer

What leadership did William the conquerer have?

a good one

How did William the Conquerer get his nickname- William the CONQUERER?

Because he CONQUERED England. "Conqueror" is just a nick-name that stuck :) Like Edward I - Longshanks XD

Which king is responsible for the domesday book?

William I, known as William the Conquerer.

How old was william the conquerer when he died?

William was 59 years old when he died.