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Q: What did William Cuffay to help change things?
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If you are perfectly happy with the way things are then your vote can help to keep things that way, your failure to vote might mean that others successfully vote to change things. Likewise if you are unhappy with the way things are then failing to vote won't help to change things.

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william cowper ended the trade by making a poem whichb change people ideas about trade slaves

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with technology

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If they were the abusers and did not get help for their actions, than the pattern will continue. If they did get help, things will change.

What should philosophers study to help them understand how things can persist through time even though they appear to change?

identity and change =))

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they make things to help the other talent fairies change the seasons.

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a substance that results from a chemical change

Do abusive people need professional help to change or can they work things out on their own with the help of family and friends?

Habitual abusers require professional help and even then success is not guaranteed.

How accept the way isthings?

Well you shouldn't accept everything the way it is. The old saying goes "Help me change the things I can change, accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference. There are things you just can't do anything about and worrying over them will just cause you grief but, if it is something you might be able to change you should think it through and figure out how to change it. Nothing is hopeless.

How does science help you figure out how things work?

Aims and means of science are to observe, change and control the natural phenomena.

What scene in hairspray is racist?

most of the movie is racist but with the help of others things change the racial issues are segergation

How can science and technology help the filipino people in their way of life?

science would help teach them what is harmful to thieir community, and technology would help them achieve the things they will need to change.