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The U.S. gained Flordia from Spain in exchange for money.

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Q: What did US gain in the adams-onis treaty?
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What treaty did the us gain Louisiana from?

No treaty. Louisiana was bought from France.

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Mexico in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

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From the Mexican Cession of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

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What lands did the US gain as a result of the Adams-Onis Treaty?

Florida was added to the US as a result of this treaty. Spain also dropped claims on Oregon but kept California and Texas.

What land did the US gain as a result of Adams-Onis treaty?

Florida was added to the US as a result of this treaty. Spain also dropped claims on Oregon but kept California and Texas.

What treaty did the US gain Florida through?

The US State of Florida was purchased from Spain in 1819. It became the 27th State in 1845.

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