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they were dumb

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Q: What did Sitting Bull say about us treaties with whites?
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Are there any pictures of Standing Holy daughter of sitting bull?

The link located below is to a web page (with sound and popups - sorry to say) that has a photo of Standing Holy as well as Crow Foot (two of Sitting Bull's Children).

Make a sentence using the word chief?

You'll do as i say i am the chief you know..

How do you say bull in German?

bull = Bulle

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Most likely the Bull Shark since it is extremely territorial and very violent. Although Great Whites are greatly feared, and Tiger sharks are just as deadly, it wouldn't be exactly right to say 'deadliest'. It'd be more fair to say...biggest killer/injury maker. Lol, sorry. :] But probably Bull Shark.

What do you say while fighting a bull?

you say "hip" or "yep/ yip" or "hey bull"

Why is negotiating treaties important?

because i say its important

How did nativists try to use science?

Nativists in the past have attempted to use pseudo-science to justify their beliefs in racial superiority and discrimination. They leaned on flawed concepts like eugenics and phrenology to support their views and promote policies aimed at restricting immigration and suppressing particular ethnic or racial groups. These misguided attempts to use science to justify discriminatory practices have been widely discredited and criticized by the scientific community.

What did they say about you?

bunch of bull.

What is the correct sentence The bird is sitting on the tree or the bird is sitting under the tree?

the bird is sitting on the tree

How do you say red bull in french?

red bull in french is taureau rouge

How do you say bull terrier in spanish?


Who is the bull wild thing?

a bull that does not say a word exept zxymk!will you say good things about us at home thanks!