Qin ShiHuang tried to make a single script, and the different forms of writing in the past was cancelled. He even set up new laws that are used uniformly throughout China.
Shi Huangdi ruled by Legalism which gave absolute power to one ruler. It was cruel, but it also helped create an efficient government. He built a strong army and bureaucracy, or a large group of appointed officials, too. He broke the old feudal system and took power and land away from the nobles. He made a policy of standardization. He allowed only two kinds of Chinese writing, standardized coins and units for weights and measures, and ordered certain books to be burned. He built a great wall and a clay army at his tomb, too.
By force, but also by the imposition of Law and Order. Empires that fail to provide security and economic benefit to their vassal states don't last.
identify three actions that emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?
Shi Huangdi made all of china use the same currency, improved system of writing, made codes of laws, common weights and measurments. These are the things Shi Huangdi took to unite the economy and culture of China!
Shi Huangdi built the first incarnation of the Great Wall of China to protect China from invaders to the North.
A little after he conquered the other six Warring States in 221 BCE before creating the Qin dynasty.
identify three actions that emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?
identify three actions that emperor Shi Huangdi took to unite China?
Shi Huangdi made all of china use the same currency, improved system of writing, made codes of laws, common weights and measurments. These are the things Shi Huangdi took to unite the economy and culture of China!
Shi Huangdi made all of china use the same currency, improved system of writing, made codes of laws, common weights and measurments. These are the things Shi Huangdi took to unite the economy and culture of China!
Shi Huangdi made all of china use the same currency, improved system of writing, made codes of laws, common weights and measurments. These are the things Shi Huangdi took to unite the economy and culture of China!
Shi Huangdi's tomb is located in Xi'an in China
Shi Huangdi built the first incarnation of the Great Wall of China to protect China from invaders to the North.
Shi Huangdi
To keep the northern Barbarians
A little after he conquered the other six Warring States in 221 BCE before creating the Qin dynasty.
Shi Huangdi