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  • He annointed the boy David as king of Israel.
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Q: What did Samuel prophesy about the king who would rule over israel?
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Related questions

Who did Samuel anointed as the first king of Israel?

Saul was anointed by Samuel as the first king of Israel.

Who chose the king of Israel?

The king of Israel was chosen by the God of the Israelites. When the Israelites asked the prophet Samuel for a king (1 Samuel ch.8), he consulted with God and was told that Saul was to become the first king of Israel.

How does Samuel rank among the kings of Israel?

Samuel wasn't a king.

Was Samuel a king?

Sammuel was the last Judge of Israel. Saul was the first king of Israel followed by David.

Who is Israel's first king?

King Saul Anointed by prophet Samuel

Who is first king of israel?

King Saul Anointed by prophet Samuel

Was Samuel the last judge?

Samuel was the last judge of Israel because the people asked for a king and he anointed King Saul later King David. After that was a line of kings not judges in Israel.

Who was the prophet who named the first king of Israel?


Who said I have anointed you king over Israel?


Who was the judge who selected the first king of Israel?


Who met Samuel the prophet on their trip?

SAUL, the FIRST king of ISRAEL, was the king that met Samuel the prophet on their trip.

Who is the first king of israel?

Saul was the first king of Israel. He was chosen by the judges of Israel. They needed to drive out the Philistines so they need one king even though they thought a person with so much power could be dangerous.