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So he could get his freedmen/Independence, and make the building historical!!~!!

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Q: What did Robert E. Lee do during reconstruction?
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What happened during Robert E Lee's life?

Robert E. Lee worked as a Confederateleader.

Who was the General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War?

Robert E. Lee

Who commanded the North Virginia army during the Civil War?

The Army of Northern Virginia was commanded by Robert E. Lee

What was the name of Robert E. Lee's horse?

Robert E. Lee's horse during the Civil War was called Traveler.

What role did Robert E. Lee have?

The role that Robert E. Lee had and is known for was General. He was the commander for the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

Who was Robert Lee?

Robert E. Lee was the supreme commander of the Confederate army during the American Civil War.

Why was Robert E. Lee so important?

Robert E. Lee was the leading and commanding officer of the Confederate Army's (south) during the Civil War.

What was Robert e lees favorite movie?

Video technology had not yet improved to the point that movies existed during the time of Robert E. Lee. He had none.

Why do people call Robert e lee Robert e lee and not Robert edward lee?

it was shorter

Who was the general for the South during the Civil War?

Robert e. lee

Who were the confederate genrals during the civil war?

Robert E lee

What did Robert E. Lee do during the war?

commanded the confederate army