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Q: What did President Rooseveltdo to try to counter the effects of the Great Depression?
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Which President enacted a series of legislation to help alleviate the effects of the Great Depression?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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What were the goal of the New Deal?

The New Deal was President Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression. It was designed to relieve the worst effects of the depression, stimulate the economy, and restore Americans' confidence in banks and other institutions.

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depression depression

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Depression has the same effects on everyone, rich or poor.

What are the effects of depression on public health?

Does it have any negative effects on the health of the consumer? Depression is the second reported cause of disability worldwide, according to the WHO

What are the effects of a counter offer?

The effects of a counter offer can be a sale. A counter offer is a response to another offer. Usually the other offer was reasonable but was rejected. A counter offer was given in hopes of it being accepted and a sale being made.

What are the most commom side effects for depression medications?

Depression can cause a multitude of side effects, like weight loss, sleeplessness, and sickness. Unfortunately, depression can also adversely affect other family members too. Dealing with a person who suffers from depression can be extremely stressful.

What were the effects of the great depression for the US?


What were effects of isolationism and appeasement?

not sure but depression