Which of the following is an example of French influence in the United States today? Answer: New Orleans
western civilization
Although prohibitionists were defeated in 1933, they remained strong enough to influence legislation for decades and that influence can still be felt today.
your mom modern ed influenced Poseidon
Poseidon's sphere of influence is primarily the sea, oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water. He is also associated with earthquakes, horses and horse racing, and as the god of sea storms and shipwrecks.
u really never answered my question does poseidon have signifigance today u stupid idiot
I think bhe was importat because he was a influence to most of the people in Greece
Poseidon really didn't get killed, Gods never die, or at least, immortals don't. They just keep coming back. Poseidon doesn't exist today because it's a myth.
Poseidon is a god in the Greek mythology. He did have kids in those mythologies and some were heroes and some were cyclopes. But in terms of today's world it wouldn't be possible.
Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, and Hades
he works for the Trojan fire and ice condoms
Which of the following is an example of French influence in the United States today? Answer: New Orleans
No, Poseidon is not a static character in the Odyssey. His actions and feelings towards Odysseus change throughout the epic as a result of Odysseus's interactions and the influence of other gods. Poseidon's involvement in the story reflects his dynamic nature and his evolving role in the narrative.
John Adams influence on this government today is to be more professional and be ready to go to college.