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theseus wear a toga

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In general men of the Grecian Golden Age often word two mainstay clothing pieces. The undergarment was called the Chiton. It was a rectangular cut cloth which would go over the body and was pinned above both shoulders and held to the body by use of a belt over the waist.

Over this most nobles would wear a Himation. This was a large cloth (usually made of fine cloths or silks depending on the financial stability of the wearer) which would be draped over the Chiton as a cloak.

For the most part men would wear leather sandals with a leather thong that laced up the mid calf. Depending on what period of his life we are speaking of he would also be bearing differing insignia and brooches to indicate his station in society.

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