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Q: What did Pericles do to change the lives of Athenians for the better Which social class benefited from these changes the most?
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How good was Pericles for the citizens of Athens?

Pericles did a lot of good for Athenians. He had the power of a tyrant, but he used it for the welfare of the people. He also made some new and better laws. One was that anybody who fought in the Athenian army should be paid for doing so. Some of today's American laws are said to be adapted from Pericles's ideas. --DanW12321

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What changes did Pericles bring to Athens?

A better food and water supply -Micah Also They Had A better government and introduced philosophy Plato is a philosopher! - KK Rebuilt the palaces and temples on the Acropolis. - Sloane

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Are Spartans are better than Athenians?

I think the answer would be yes

Is Pericles better than Alexander the Great?

Different people in different ages. However what is 'better' - better at what.

What advantage did the Spartans have over the Athenians?

The Athenians had more money so they had better things, and more of. Sparta was worried most about war and didnt care about money and trades. Haylee, World History.

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Socrates questioned Athenians about their beliefs to engage them in critical thinking and to challenge their assumptions. He believed that through questioning and dialogue, individuals could gain a better understanding of the truth and develop their intellectual capacities.

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Would you consider Alexander the Great or Pericles a better man?

I would consider nieher of them to be better. I believe that Larry the Cucumber is better b/c he is one sexy cucumber lol hahahahahahahah

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Pericles called Athens the school for all Greece, because he believed that Athens was better than all the other cities in culture and government. He believed that all the other city states should follow Athens example.

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it changes because it gets better