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They were not happy that they were treated like second class citizens compared to the Protestant population of Northern Ireland. This led to their search for civil rights in the late 1960s.

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Q: What did Northern Irish Catholics resent the most?
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Were the Irish Catholics for home rule?

Most Catholics favoured home rule.

Why is the highlanders different from the Glaswegians?

Scottish vs. IrishIreland and Scotland are two separate and distinct geographical regions with different historical and cultural backgrounds, and with separate governments. More input:Scottish people come from Scotland, and Irish people come from Ireland.Religion is a major difference: most Scots are Presbyterians; most Irish are Catholics. The Catholic minority in Scotland is largely Irish in origin. The Presbyterians of Northern Ireland are mostly Scottish in origin. The reason there are so many Presbyterians in Scotland is because of the 1707 act of Union,The Cromwell Invasion, and forced conversion of Scottish Catholics by the covenanters.Scotland and Ireland share a common culture. Many Scottish and Irish share common surnames. A good deal of these begin with Mc or O.The languages are different, although they share some common roots. An example is the word cuan. In Irish it means harbor, but in Scottish it means ocean.Scottish Gaelic is spoken mainly in the northern regions of Ireland, were as Irish Gaelic is spoken mainly in the western regions.

Are the Irish considered British?

People born in the six counties of Northern Ireland are British in international law and their passports would give their status as British Citizens, but they would probably describe themselves as being Irish.

What are the main reason why Irish immigrants come to the us and what religion were they?

Most Irish emigrated because of the Great Famine in Ireland between 1845 and 1852. The vast majority were Catholics. A very interesting subject to read up on if you're interested in it!

Why does Northern Ireland Want to Remain part of the UK?

The majority of Catholics in Northern Ireland prefer union with the Republic because they are not descendants of British planters but descendants of the original inhabitants (Gaels). The Gaels did assimilate Scandinavians, Cambro-Normans as well as the Old English thus forming a Irish-speaking Catholic ethnic identity. This is closely related to perceptions among many Irish nationalists that control of the island of Ireland by England/Britain, in various forms since the 1100s, has been detrimental to the freedom and cultural expression of the Irish Catholic majority. For example, the Penal Laws of the 1700s prevented Catholics from engaging fully in civic life and from practising their religion. More recently, certainly up until 2007, nationalists in the North argued that it would economically beneficial for a united island economy, particularly as output per head was significantly higher in the Republic than in the North and indeed the UK on average. (It is of course unclear what impact the Republic's current (2008/2009) economic collapse will do to such sentiment.)

Related questions

Most people in Ireland practice what type of Christianity?

Most Irish (both Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland) are Roman Catholics.

Were the Irish Catholics for home rule?

Most Catholics favoured home rule.

What religion were most Irish immigrants?

Most Irish are Catholics

What bothered nativists most about the Irish and German immigrants was that so many of them were?

Roman Catholics.

What is a loyalist and what is a Republican?

A loyalist is loyal to the British monarchy and the union of great Britain and Nothern Ireland and followers of William of Orange a Protestant king that stole the crown from the true catholic king. IOW they sold out their country just because they didn't want a catholic king. Republicans are Catholic and are against the union of great Britain and Northern Ireland. They want northern Ireland Irish not British. The Scottish Catholics are republicans as well. Most Scottish Catholics have Irish Ancestry.

What is the religion of most Irish immigrants?

Most Irish immigrants in the 19th and early 20th centuries were Roman Catholic. This was primarily due to Ireland's historical ties to Catholicism and the influence of the Catholic Church in Irish society.

Why did nativists want to place limits on Irish Immigrants?

They were catholics while most people in the US wereprotestant

Which church do most people in Ireland belong to?

Most people in Ireland are Roman Catholics but there is a growing minority of Protestants. Meanwhile in Northern Ireland the majority are Protestant and there is a minority of Catholics.

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PureNRG's most resent and last album is "GRADUATION THE BEST OF PURENRG"!

How did the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland affect the people living there?

It wasn't so much between Catholics and protestants as between Irish (who were mostly Catholic) and Englishmen (who were mostly protestant). The Irish objected to the English (and their descendants) living in their country and oppressing them, particularly as English law suppressed the Catholic faith, and the practice thereof. It made life particularly difficult for Irish Catholics for whom the practice of their faith was illegal. One of the unforeseen benefits was, that for the most part, the Catholic faith of the Irish was particularly strong, comparable to the oppressed Catholics in Poland. As the Catholics have gained ascendancy, they have started to lose their faith and become indistinguishable from other modern people.

What do you call someone from galway?

Northern Irish or Irish or British. Northern Irish is the most popular. Its is slightly contencious question best to ask the person what they prefer. If speaking generally Northern Irish is best or Northern Catholic if refering to Republicans living in Northern ireland

What do you call someone from Ulster?

It depends on their cultural/political/social background but the most common are;- Ulsterman, Northern Irish, Irish, British or West British