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Q: What did Justinian contributed to the flourishing of the Byzantine empire after Rome's decline by?
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Did the byzantine empire decline before od after Islam spead?

The Arab conquest of Byzantine Syria, Phoenicia (Lebanon), Palestine and Egypt contributed the decline of the Byzantine Empire. So did the conquest of much of what is now Turkey by the Seljuk Turks and the conquest of much of the Balkan Peninsula (southeastern Europe) by the Slavs. The Arabs and the Turks were and still are Muslims.

List three reasons for the final decline of the Byzantine empire?

1. External threats such as the Muslims and Turks who eventually overthrew it 2.Shrinking territory from the time of Justinian 3. Civil wars and splits within the empire

What role did Justinian and his wife theodora play in the Byzantine empire?

Justinian I (or the Great) did not play any role whatsoever in the decline of the Byzantine Empire. His reign is seen as a distinct period of Byzantine history by historians. It was a period of conquest, splendour, great prosperity, important public works, administrative and religious reforms and imperial unity. Towards the end of Justinian's rule the empire was hit by a severe plague which was one of the biggest in history. It has been called by historians the Plague of Justinian. Is impact on the empire has been compared to that of the Black Death of the Middle Ages. It probably affected the whole of Europe. It has been estimated that one quarter of the population died. The empire took a long time to recover.

Who took Justinian place after his death?

Theodora died Justinian was distraught. Justinian and Theodora were very close. Theodora was a close adviser and the two of them collaborated on many things. Theodora had saved Justinian's rule by arguing for refusing to flee during a riot. However they differed on matters of religion. Justinian supported mainstream Orthodox Christianity, while she supported a dissident doctrine. This created conflict on these matters and Justinian often obstructed Theodora. However, her influence was so strong that when she died, Justinian worked on reconciling the two doctrines and kept his promise to protect the monastery Theodora built as a refuge for the dissident Christians.

Which of the following contributed to the decline of rome?

the pax romana

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What was Justinian's role in the decline of the byzantine empire?

Justinian I (or the Great) did not play any role whatsoever in the decline of the Byzantine Empire. His reign is seen as a distinct period of Byzantine history by historians. It was a period of conquest, splendour, great prosperity, important public works, administrative and religious reforms and imperial unity. Towards the end of Justinian's rule the empire was hit by a severe plague which was one of the biggest in history. It has been called by historians the Plague of Justinian. Is impact on the empire has been compared to that of the Black Death of the Middle Ages. It probably affected the whole of Europe. It has been estimated that one quarter of the population died. The empire took a long time to recover.

Did the byzantine empire decline before od after Islam spead?

The Arab conquest of Byzantine Syria, Phoenicia (Lebanon), Palestine and Egypt contributed the decline of the Byzantine Empire. So did the conquest of much of what is now Turkey by the Seljuk Turks and the conquest of much of the Balkan Peninsula (southeastern Europe) by the Slavs. The Arabs and the Turks were and still are Muslims.

List three reasons for the final decline of the Byzantine empire?

1. External threats such as the Muslims and Turks who eventually overthrew it 2.Shrinking territory from the time of Justinian 3. Civil wars and splits within the empire

Why did the byzntine military grow weaker?

There were several factors that contributed to the decline of the Byzantine military. These included constant wars and conflicts that drained resources, frequent changes in leadership and political instability, the rise of powerful enemies such as the Seljuks and Ottomans, and a decline in the quality of the military education and training system. Additionally, the reliance on foreign mercenaries weakened the effectiveness and cohesion of the Byzantine army.

What role did Justinian and his wife theodora play in the Byzantine empire?

Justinian I (or the Great) did not play any role whatsoever in the decline of the Byzantine Empire. His reign is seen as a distinct period of Byzantine history by historians. It was a period of conquest, splendour, great prosperity, important public works, administrative and religious reforms and imperial unity. Towards the end of Justinian's rule the empire was hit by a severe plague which was one of the biggest in history. It has been called by historians the Plague of Justinian. Is impact on the empire has been compared to that of the Black Death of the Middle Ages. It probably affected the whole of Europe. It has been estimated that one quarter of the population died. The empire took a long time to recover.

Who took Justinian place after his death?

Theodora died Justinian was distraught. Justinian and Theodora were very close. Theodora was a close adviser and the two of them collaborated on many things. Theodora had saved Justinian's rule by arguing for refusing to flee during a riot. However they differed on matters of religion. Justinian supported mainstream Orthodox Christianity, while she supported a dissident doctrine. This created conflict on these matters and Justinian often obstructed Theodora. However, her influence was so strong that when she died, Justinian worked on reconciling the two doctrines and kept his promise to protect the monastery Theodora built as a refuge for the dissident Christians.

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