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Julius Caesar established a calender with 365 days. He was a very important Roman military a political leader. He played a critical role in transformin the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.He was proclaimed dictator of life.

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16y ago
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10y ago

Caesar is remembered as one of history's greatest generals and a key ruler of the Roman Empire. As a young man he rose through the administrative ranks of the Roman republic, accumulating power until he was elected consul in 59 B.C. Over the next 15 years he led Roman armies against enemies abroad, especially in Gaul, while fighting Pompey and others for political control at home. In 45 B.C. he reached his ultimate success, being named dictator of Rome for life. That rule was short-lived: the next year he was stabbed to death in the Senate by a group led by his follower Marcus Junius Brutus. Caesar's life and death were dramatized in the play Julius Caesar, with Caesar's famous death line: "Et tu, Brute? Then fall Caesar!" Caesar is thought to have been assassinated on March 15th, a date known in the Roman calendar as "the Ides of March"... The ruling titles Kaiser and Czar are derived from the name of Caesar... Caesar had a famous romance with Egyptian ruler and he fathered her son Caesarian.

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14y ago

Julius Caesar was a dictator so he was the ruler of everything which meant Rome was no longer a Republic and because he was a dictator he did not listen to the senates, so one day the senates held a big meeting with Caesar and tried to kill him. Caesar was half dead when Brutus arrived (his supposed to be friend) and Brutus betrayed him and killed him so Caesar son Augustus took over the thrown and Rome once again became a republic. (Ashlea Sloman) JULIUS CAESAR CONQUERED MANY LANDS AND BEFORE HE DIED HE WAS KNOWN AS SOMEONE GREAT BECAUSE OF HIS ACHIEVEMENTS

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13y ago

In his time, the main contribution of Julius Caesar was the addition of Gaul to the Roman empire. However in our time, his main contribution was the calendar which we still use (with minor changes) in the present day.

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10y ago

he granted citizenship to people living in romes territories outside Italian peninsula started new colonies for landeless created work romes jobless oedered landowners using slave labor to hire more free workers

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10y ago

Augustus emerged as the final victor of the civil wars which led to the fall of the Roman Republic. Though this, he gained control of the army and a vast fortune through the spoils of war. He used these to concentrate power in his hands and become an absolute ruler and Rome's first emperor. He established the period of absolute rule by emperors which lasted for 503 years.

Augustus gained a tight grip on the government and politics of Rome and over the provinces (conquered territories) of the empire. Previously politicians in Rome fought each other and the provincial governors acted as if their provinces were their personal fiefs. Corruption was rampant and taxation in the provinces was tendered to private individuals who "farmed" them to line their pockets through abusive means of collection, which created discontent. Through his tight grip on power, Augustus re-established stability. This led what historians have called the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) a 207-year period of relative political stability in the Roman Empire. Augustus reorganised tax collection, assigning it to paid imperial officials and set tax levels which did not discourage entrepreneurs. He also encouraged trade by creating an economic framework which favoured it. He also built roads, bridges, and aqueducts to facilitate trade growth. The empire developed thriving trading networks which brought prosperity.

Augustus gained a tight grip on the government and politics of Rome and over the provinces (conquered territories) of the empire. Previously politicians in Rome fought each other and the provincial governors acted as if their provinces were their personal fiefs. Corruption was rampant and taxation in the provinces as tendered to private individuals who "farmed" them to line their pockets through abusive means of collection, which created discontent. Though his tight grip on power Augustus reestablished stability. This led the foundation of what historians have called the Pax Romana Roman peace) a 207-year period of political stability in the Roman Empire. Agusutus reorganised tax collection, assigning to paid imperial offical and set tax levels which did not discorage entrepreneurs. He encoraged trade by creating an economic framework which favoured it. He also bult roads, bridges, and aqueducts to facilitate trade growth. The empire developed thriving trading networks which brought prosperity.

Augustus turned the senate into an instrument of his power. The executive officers of state were no longer elected as they had been under the Republic. They became appointees of the emperor. Laws were no longer voted on by the Plebeian council. Augustus legislated by decree. He controlled governance through the creation of an imperial bureaucracy which carried out his commands. He reached a settlement whereby the senate continued to appoint the governors of the old provinces of the Roman Empire, while he assumed control over the frontier provinces. Since most of the legions were stationed in the frontier provinces, this settlement institutionalised his control over the army. He also established a military treasury financed through inheritance taxes and taxed on sales. Thus, the soldiers were paid by the imperial government, which ensured the solders' loyalty to the emperor.

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14y ago

Julius Caesar was a great military man he helped expand Rome and he became a dictater (all powerful leader) in the end one of his friend's and the consul killed him.

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Ancient Rome obviously. Julius Caesar ended the Roman Republic.

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When Julius Caesar ruled the ancient Roman empire it was a dictatorship.

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in 44bc

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Because he just was!

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The Roman Empire is the setting for the play.