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During the Gettysburg Campaign, Early commanded a division in the corps of Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell. His troops were instrumental in defeating Union defenders at Winchester, capturing a number of prisoners, and opening up the Shenandoah Valley for Lee's oncoming forces. Early's division, augmented with cavalry, eventually marched eastward across the South Mountain range in Pennsylvania, seizing vital supplies and horses along the way. He captured Gettysburg on June 26 and demanded a ransom, which was never paid. Two days later, he entered York County and seized York, the largest Northern town to fall to the Confederates during the war. Here, his ransom demands were partially met, including a payment of $28,000 in cash. Elements of Early's command on June 28 reached the Susquehanna River, the farthest east in Pennsylvania that any organized Confederate force would penetrate. On June 30, Early was recalled as Lee concentrated his army to meet the oncoming Federals.

Approaching Gettysburg from the northeast on July 1, 1863, Early's division was on the leftmost flank of the Confederate line. He soundly defeated Brig. Gen. Francis Barlow's division (part of the Union XI Corps), inflicting three times the casualties to the defenders as he suffered, and drove the Union troops back through the streets of town, capturing many of them. In the second day at Gettysburg, he assaulted East Cemetery Hill as part of Ewell's efforts on the Union right flank. Despite initial success, Union reinforcements arrived to repulse Early's two brigades. On the third day, Early detached one brigade to assist Maj. Gen. Edward "Allegheny" Johnson's division in an unsuccessful assault on Culp's Hill. Elements of Early's division covered the rear of Lee's army during its retreat from Gettysburg on July 4 and July 5.

Early served in the Shenandoah Valley over the winter of 1863-64. During this period, he occasionally filled in as corps commander during Ewell's absences for illness. On May 31, 1864, Lee expressed his confidence in Early's initiative and abilities at higher command levels, promoting him to the temporary rank of lieutenant general.

Upon his return from the Valley, Early fought in the Battle of the Wilderness and assumed command of the ailing A.P. Hill's Third Corps during the march to intercept Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Spotsylvania Court House. At Spotsylvania, Early occupied the relatively quiet right flank of the Mule Shoe. At the Battle of Cold Harbor, Lee replaced the ineffectual Ewell with Early as commander of the Second Corps.

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Q: What did Jubal Early do in the Battle of Gettysburg?
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What confederate general was named jubal?

He was Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early.

Were there spectators at the real Battle of Gettysburg in 1863?

By the time the Battle of Gettysburg happened, the people that thought watching a battle was glorious, figured out it wasn't. There were only spectators in the early battles of the Civil War.

Who was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863?

The Union was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was a key battle that helped the Union win the Civil War. It certainly helped, however, the North failed to stop the Army of Northern Virginia to keep on fighting until early 1865.

What is the battle of Gettysburg called and why?

its called the battle of Gettysburg and the reason is because it was fought in Gettysburg, pa

What was the objective of the confederate in the battle of Gettysburg?

What was the objective of the confederate in the battle of Gettysburg

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Jubal Early was born on November 3, 1816.

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Jubal Early was born on November 3, 1816.

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He was Lieutenant General Jubal Anderson Early.

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By the time the Battle of Gettysburg happened, the people that thought watching a battle was glorious, figured out it wasn't. There were only spectators in the early battles of the Civil War.

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The Union was victorious at the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was a key battle that helped the Union win the Civil War. It certainly helped, however, the North failed to stop the Army of Northern Virginia to keep on fighting until early 1865.

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i don't know why do u think I am asking u NEW RESPONDENT The Confederate Army under Gen. Jubal Early won the Battle of Monocacy.

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Jubal Early was a Lieutenant-General in the American Civil War. He was born on November 3, 1816. The name of Early's horse is not known.

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The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

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