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Marshall was the first African American justice and spent his life fighting for equality. As a young man he had experienced discrimination first hand. He was the lawyer for Brown v Topeka and argued that separate but equal was not equal at all. He was a great man and powerful ally for equality and civil rights for all.

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Q: What did John Marshall accomplish as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
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What did john marshall accomplish?

John Marshall was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He is basically considered the "father of the supreme court." He established many important judicial precedents. In Marbury v. Madison, Marshall established the concept of judicial review.

What did john marshall accomplish as chief justice of the supreme court in marbury v Madison?

One of John Marshall's accomplishments was to make the supreme court a co-branch of government. He did this when he was chief justice of the United States.

Who broadned the Supreme Court's power?

Chief Justice John Marshall

Who had little schooling and was chief justice of the supreme court?

John Marshall :)!

When did Chief Justice John Marshall serve?

Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the US Supreme Court from 1801 until his death in 1835.

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which man served as chief justice of the united states supreme court

What Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court served more than 30 years?

john marshall was the supreme court chief justice for 34 not 35.

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Who was the chief justice in 1820?

John Marshall was the chief justice of the supreme court from January 31, 1801- July 6, 1835.

Who was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court in 1803?

President John Adams appointed John Marshall, his Secretary of State, to the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in 1801. Marshall succeeded the third Chief Justice, Oliver Ellsworth.

Who was Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court in 1819?

Fourth Chief Justice John Marshall, who presided over the Court from 1801-1835.

Under what Chief Justice did the US Supreme Court adopt the philosophy of judicial activism?

Chief Justice John Marshall