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It Breaks the social contract and people can create a new government.

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Q: What did John Locke say if their government doesn't protect their natural rights?
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Why does the government pass laws?

to protect the people's natural rights.

What philosophy states that the main purpose of the government to protect individual rights?

natural rights

What does the natural rights mean in the declaration of independence?

That the government should protect the rights of their citizens.

Which of the Enlightenment thinkers would agree with the idea that people have natural rights that the government should protect?

John Locke would agree with the idea that people have natural rights that the government should protect. Locke believed that individuals have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property, and that it is the government's responsibility to safeguard these rights.

People have natural rights that the government should protect?

The Declaration of Independence and the constitution.

What is the purpose of government as described in the declaration of the independence?

To protect the natural rights of its citizens.

Who said people have natural rights that government should protect?

john Locke


john Locke

Who stated that the government must protect the natural rights of its citizens?

Manga Carta

In Two Treatises of Government John Locke wrote that the purpose of government was 4 points?

Protect natural rights

What Enlightenment thinker argued that the purpose of government is to safeguard the natural rights of the people?

John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker, argued that the purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property of its citizens. Locke believed that people are born with these inherent rights, and that government exists to preserve and protect them.

What were the ideas about government of the Declaration of Independence?

A. Having Separate rights from England.B. To protect natural rights.Actually it was that the government gets it's powers from the governed, that the government protects our natural rights and that if the government is abusing these powers it needs to be corrected or abolished.