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Thomas Jefferson thought that George Washington overreacted when he ordered the militia to stop the protestors during the Whiskey Rebellion. Many Americans agreed, resulting in Thomas Jefferson soon becoming President.

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Thomas Jefferson felt that George Washington's actions during the Whiskey Rebellion were inappropriate. He felt that using military force was unnecessary and that George Washington should have never allowed the Whiskey tax to be implemented.

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the way george washinton responded to the Whiskey Rebellion was he hated the idea.

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Q: What did Jefferson think about George Washingtons action in addressing the Whiskey Rebellion?
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In Jeffersons view George Washingtons actions in addressing the whiskey rebellion.?

Thomas Jefferson felt that George Washington's actions during the Whiskey Rebellion were inappropriate. He felt that using military force was unnecessary and that George Washington should have never allowed the Whiskey tax to be implemented.

What was Jefferson's view of George Washington's action in addressing the whiskey rebellion?

he thought it was great

What was Jefferson view of George Washington's action in addressing the whiskey rebellion?

he thought it was great

In Jefferson's view George Washington's action in addressing the Whiskey Rebellion was?

Thomas Jefferson felt that George Washington's actions during the Whiskey Rebellion were inappropriate. He felt that using military force was unnecessary and that George Washington should have never allowed the Whiskey tax to be implemented.

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What washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion?

in 1794 president Washington sent nearly 15,000 troops to crush the whiskey rebellion. Sebastian Aguirre

What was washingtons reaction to whiskey rebellion?

i think he sent an army out to crush the resistance

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Whiskey rebellion

Washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion demonstrated the governments?

authority to act with in state borders

How did Washingtons reaction to the Whiskey Rebellion underscore the difference between the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation?

he came in with the U.S. Army and ended the rebellion

What did Thomas Jefferson do in the whiskey rebellion?


Washingtons response to the whiskey rebellion demonstrated the governments inability ti enforce its rulings?

No, it demonstrated the governments willingness to enforce rules.