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What did Japan do to help who? They were helping themselves to all the resources of China and SE Asia. Hitler thought they would help him by attacking Russia from the east, but they didn't. Japan didn't help anyone except Japan.

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9y ago

They were part of the Axis, which is to say they were allied with Germany. They attacked and invaded China, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Burma, and many of the Pacific islands. Their rule was always characterized by mass murder, rape, and cruel exploitation of the conquered populace. They were utterly defeated by Britain and the United States. The main reason was cause of Hitler.

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20y ago

Let's see. Japan invaded... China Alaska Burma Indonesia Korea etc etc. Oh yes, Japan attacked the USA and Australia and British possesions. Is this a homework question??

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Q: What did Japan do to help in World War 2?
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Japan's World War II was during 1912 - 1945.