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Hudson was looking for passages on his 4 voyages. He did not find any, but named islands on his first voyage, and traded with several Indian tribes on his third. :)

On Hudson's 3rd voyage he discovered the Hudson bay.

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What did Henry Hudson find on his voyages?

Hudson found nothing at all

Why did Henry Hudson go on the voyages?

henry hudson went on the 4 voyages because he promised the king and Qeen that the would find the way to Asia

Why did Henry Hudson go on the 4 voyages?

henry hudson went on the 4 voyages because he promised the king and Qeen that the would find the way to asia

What job did Henry Hudson have on the voyages?

To find a shorter route to Asia From Europe

How many voyages did hudson have?

He had four voyages in total

How many voyage did Henry Hudson have?

He had four voyages in total

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You should know!

What was the reason for Henry Hudson voyages?

Henry Hudson wanted to find the Northwest Passage to get to Asia and he also wanted to find a Northeast Passage to go to India.

What were the years that Henry Hudson made his voyages?

Henry Hudson made 4 voyages:1607 - Northwest Passage to find a route to China1608 - Northwest Passage to find a route to China (2nd attempt)1609 - voyage to the New World1610 - Northwest Passage from the New World

What Did Henry Hudson see on his third voyage?

nothing he didn't find anything on any of his voyages

Why was Henry Hudson's voyages important?

They are important because he helped other explores find the New World/Northwest passage