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He was a terrorist....

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Q: What did Hitler Youth do to cause the Holocaust?
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Related questions

What was Hitler's youth's role in the Holocaust?

Hitler didn't have a youth role in the Holocaust. He was an adult at the time. His role as leader of Germany was central, of course.

What cause did Hitler have on the Holocaust?

to eliminate the Jewish population.

What did Hitler do for the holocust?

Adolph Hitler dreamed up the holocaust. Hitler planned the holocaust. Hitler supervised the holocaust.

Did the Kristallnacht cause the Holocaust?

No, it allowed Hitler to take over the government .

Who built the holocaust?

The Holocaust was an event, not a structure, so built is not exactly the right word. Adolph Hitler is the primary cause of the Holocaust, although lots of people helped him. Sheesh, if you're going to spell out a name, you should at LEAST do it right. It's Adolf Hitler!

How old was the Hitler youth?

Hitler Youth fell when Hitler fell.

Was Hitler an key cause of the causing of the Holocaust?

No. He was the COMPLETE cause of the holocaust happening. He spread abusive and vicious propaganda about the Jews throughout all of German territory to get them to turn against all Jews. The Holocaust probably would not have happened without Hitler, but there were many more factors and influences that had to be in place before the Holocaust would happen.

Why was Hitler right in conducting the Holocaust?

Hitler was NOT right in conducting the Holocaust.

Is Adolf Hitler just a fictional character in Xena warrior princess?

No. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party and the cause for WW2 and the Holocaust.

Why did Hitler affect the Holocuast?

Hitler didn't just affect the Holocaust, he was the Holocaust.

Was the holocaust before or after Hitler?

Neither, the Holocaust took place under Hitler's administration.

Historians say Hitler cause the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler himself was a cause of the Holocaust. Hitler was obsessed with the destruction of the Jews. Documents that have become accessible since WWII seem to point at the fact that he probably suffered from syphilis acquired as a youth in Austria and, left untreated, resurged later in life.