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His specific intention of his expedition to the New World was to find a passage through the Yucatan Peninsula that could be used as a better trade route to China. Wealth and fame, however, were definitely two other results that De Soto hoped to attain from his expedition!

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As well as many Spanish adventurers of the time, he went for the trill of the adventure and attracted by the gold which was rumored to exist in the New Continent,
He wanted to conquer Ecuador, but instead was made to conquer what is now Florida.

After that, he wanted to find treasure, but didn't succeed and died along the Mississippi river because of a fever.

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Hernando De Soto's reason for exploring was to find riches.

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He was looking for a route to china, gold, land and slaves.

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city of gold

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Q: What did Hernando de soto try to find when he explored north America?
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Why did Hernando de Soto go to North America?

because he want to find gold

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Hernando de soto explored many places to discover land and gold and silver for many many years and finally came to a sucsess and he said ''If there will be no one to find the hidden land,then I shall find it. Hernando de soto explored many places to discover land and gold and silver for many many years and finally came to a sucsess and he said ''If there will be no one to find the hidden land,then I shall find it.

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Hernando de Soto brought his groups/men with hm to find diffrent gold types and explore other things

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They both are spanish. They are both conquistadors and want to find a waterway to asia by going through north america

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i know that he searched to find the northwest passage, but failed to find it.

List three reasons European countries explored north America?

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Did Christopher Columbus really find North America?

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What was Giovanni Verrnazzano's goal?

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