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Q: What did Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro do to affect Spain?
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How did physical features affect ferdinand's magellan's exploration?

He didn't let it affect him to much .........iguess:/

How did the success of Cortes and Pizarro affect later explorations of the Americas?

They helped look for riches. And they took over the main civilizations so they could get places faster.

How did Francisco Pizarro affect the world?

well how Francisco Pizarro Affected the world in HIS TIME was he murdered all of the Incas and the empire and that would affect the present and affected their time too by killing the Incas because they would break under pear pressure so Pizarro decided to kill them but all the people in Trullio Mexico Pizarros hometown thought that was a good thing and cheered when he got back to Mexico but later it backfired once he took over the Incas land and murdered the empire he made the land his but then his own partner assinated him or either followers that wanted to sieze lima Peru the land that was stolen from the Incas by Pizarro for its riches and strangled him but i don't know which one i hope you found this info usefull im not sure its 100 percent accurate but i know most of it will be helpful to people who need the info

How did the gold rush affect the city of San Francisco?

There was a inflation so the goods were scarce.It also became a boomtown.

How did the french revolution affect mexico?

Well the French Revolution affect not only Mexico, it affect many countries or places too, but in Mexico it affect more in the economy than in other things.

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Who did the Hernan Cortes affect?

the aztec empire

How did the gepgraphy of Latin American affect the people?

They kept taking and capturing the incas and the mahas some of the spanish soldiers that arrived in latin America was hernan Cortes and francisco Pizarro they captured and defeated montezuma and atahualpa.

How did physical features affect ferdinand's magellan's exploration?

He didn't let it affect him to much .........iguess:/

How did the success of Cortes Mexico affect other Spanish explorers?

Most Spanish conquistadors were already looking for the riches of the New World; namely gold and silver. The only two conquistadors who actually conquered Native American empires were Cortes (Aztecs) and Francisco Pizarro (Incas). Most of the remaining conquistadors failed miserably, dying of tropical diseases, mutiny and hostile natives.

How did the success of Cortes in mexico affect other spanish explorers?

Most Spanish conquistadors were already looking for the riches of the New World; namely gold and silver. The only two conquistadors who actually conquered Native American empires were Cortes (Aztecs) and Francisco Pizarro (Incas). Most of the remaining conquistadors failed miserably, dying of tropical diseases, mutiny and hostile natives.

How did hernan Cortes affect the native population?

cores is gay. and then the tribes turned gay. then they had gay sex.....(im joking :D)

How did Francisco Pizarro affect the Incas empire?

Francisco Pizarro wanted to conquer the Incas and take all of their gold and silver.

How did Francisco Pizarro's discovery affect us today?

Conqured the Inca king and stole all his riches

How did the success of Cortes and Pizarro affect later explorations of the Americas?

They helped look for riches. And they took over the main civilizations so they could get places faster.

How did francisco Pizarro exploration affect and how?

Francisco Pizarro's exploration of Peru in the early 16th century led to the conquest of the Inca Empire and the establishment of Spanish rule in the region. This conquest brought about significant changes in the social, political, and economic structure of the area, including the introduction of Spanish language, religion, and customs, as well as the exploitation of local resources for the benefit of the Spanish crown.

How did Hernando Cortes affect the Aztec empire?

they destried all of the azteceons

How did the success of Cortes and Pizarro affect later exploration of Americas?

They helped look for riches. And they took over the main civilizations so they could get places faster.