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Q: What did Henry George argue in progress and poverty?
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Malthus would argue no. Henry George would argue yes.

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Why did Henry and Beckett argue?

Because Becket was starting to support the Pope more than Henry....

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Patric Henry argue that the colonist must do is they have to hard work

Argue as if you are James Madison defending the federalist position to Patrick Henry?

he was right

What is the functionalist perspective on proverty?

Functionalists view poverty as serving a function in society by creating motivation for individuals to work hard and strive for success. They argue that poverty can also help maintain social order by reinforcing the importance of education, individual responsibility, and social mobility. However, critics argue that this perspective overlooks the structural factors that contribute to poverty and ignores the negative impact it has on individuals and communities.

Why does george mason argue might happen if the president had the power to pardon people?

Coz if

Why did Henry argue about Beckett?

whoever started this question should finish it off please i was trying to do homework

Have human beings made moral progress?

Some argue that human beings have made moral progress in areas such as civil rights and social justice, while others contend that moral progress is not linear and point to ongoing issues such as inequality and violence. It is a complex and ongoing debate that involves a multitude of perspectives and considerations.

What Tudor monarch was the most successful King or Queen?

That is a matter of personal opinion. Some might argue that Henry VII as the first Tudor monarch and founder of the dynasty was the most successful. Others might argue that Henry VIII, creator of the Church of England, was the most successful while others again might argue in favour of Elizabeth I, who successfully opposed the Spanish armada. There are also arguments in favour of both Mary I and Edward VI.

Why did Henry viii argue with the pope and set up the church of England?

because he wanted to divorce catrine of aragon but the pope would't let him

Did Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth argue for temperance?

Yes, Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth did argue for temperance, which was the movement against the consumption of alcohol. They believed that alcohol contributed to social problems like poverty and domestic violence, and advocated for sobriety as a means of self-improvement and empowerment within their communities.