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The Confederate victory of the second battle of Bull Run on September 1, 1862 was a large battle with Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia pitted against the Army of Virginia commanded by Union general John Pope.

The results of the victory emboldened Lee to take the offensive and invade the Union slave State of Maryland. The end result in Maryland was the Battle of Antietam.

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10y ago
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11y ago

the confederacy give them the vaule of therer life people chose to be the juge of the secod battle bull run accomplish for the confederation

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14y ago

He managed to avert a serious Confederate defeat by attacking John Pope's relatively small army just before the much bigger army under McLellan was due to reinforce it.

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12y ago

Managed to defeat Pope's army before it could be joined by McClellan's.

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Q: What did General Lee do after the 2nd Battle of Bull Run?
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Who was the confederate general that played a major role in the battle at bull run?

General Robert e. Lee

Which battle came after bull run?

After the 1st bull run occurred, there was a second bull run. It was a confederate victory. The union was overpowered and driven back. The next major battle after the 1st and 2nd Bull run (aka, the first and second Manassas) was the battle of Antietam. This battle was inconclusive. It was a bloody one day battle and, when General Robert E. Lee retreated to tend to his wounded, the Union claimed victory (even though they didn't really win).

What was general lee's stragegy for the Battle of Shiloh?

General Lee didn't fight at Shiloh.

What battle ended general lee's attempt to capture the north?

The Battle of Gettysburg ended General Lee's attempt to capture the North.

What major Confederate military operation took place during the Second Battle of Bull Run?

While Confederate General Robert E. Lee was engaged in the Second Battle of Bull Run, Confederate General Kirby Smith entered Kentucky from Tennessee. He surprised and captured a group of Union recruits at Richmond, Kentucky.

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Union general who was soundly defeated by lee at the 2nd Battle of Bull Run?

General Pope lost to General Lee at Second Bull Run.

Which Confederate state did general Lee drive the Union forces out of during the second battle of Bull Run?

The second battle of Bull Run was another Bull Run victory for the Confederacy. General Lee drove the Union forces out of Virginia as a result of his victory in the 2nd Bull Run.

In which battle did General Lee defeat Pope?

General Lee defeated Pope in the Second Battle of Bull Run.

What general was the leader of the Confederate army in the battle of the 2nd bull run?

The main Confederate commander at the second battle of Bull Run was Robert E. Lee. He was assisted by among others by Generals Longstreet and Jackson.

Who was the commander of the Southern forces at the Battle of Bull Run?

At the First Battle of Bull Run, Southern forces were led by generals Beauregard and Johnston. At the Second Battle of Bull Run, the commanding officer of all Southern forces was General Robert E. Lee.

Who defeated lee in the second Battle of Bull Run?

Lee was not defeated at 2nd Bull Run. It was a brilliant Confederate victory, and a triumph of the Lee-Jackson partnership.

Who was the Confederate General in the 2nd Bull Run?

Robert E Lee.

Who won the 2nd bull run battle?

The Confederates under Lee and Jackson.

Who General won the second Battle of Bull Run?

Robert E. Lee

Who was the confederate general that played a major role in the battle at bull run?

General Robert e. Lee

What were the names of the two Generals that fought at Bull Run?

The two generals who fought at The battle of Bull Run were General Lee and General Jackson.

Who were the commanding officers in the second Battle of Bull Run?

General Pope (Union) and General Lee (Confederate).