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Whatever were the faults of General George B. McClellan, his recognized strengths were in training soldiers. He was assigned by President Lincoln to organize and train the new Army of the Potomac. His drilling exercises on guards and sentinels were almost like the Roman legion policies on these matters. McClellan instructed his staff to insure that guards must always be posted to watch over troop encampments. His basic rules entailed:* The number of guards were to be determined by circumstance;

* Guard must be posted in positions that will not allow trespassers to be unnoticed and questioned;

* Guards must be in position to give warnings to the main troop encampment in times of danger;

* Guards must be in constant motion;

* Guards in pairs should be used whenever possible; and

* Failures and/or sleeping while on post were subject to possible death as punishment.

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Q: What did General George B. McClellan write about concerning guards and sentinels?
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