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The former president called the attack at the naval station, "A day that will live in infamy."

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Q: What did Franklin D. Roosevelt call the attack on Pearl Harbor?
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Who was president when the attack on pearl harbor occurred?

The attack on Pearl Harbor was on the morning of December 7, 1941. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of US in 1941.Franklin D.RooseveltFranklin Delano Roosevelt was the President during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Who was President of the US when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

Franklin D Roosevelt was the US president when the attack on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese took place on December 7, 1941.

Who was Americas leader during the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which president said the attack on pearl harbor was a day of infamy?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during which event?

the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor

Who was the president of America when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese Attacked on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of United States of America. He remained the US President from the period of 1933 to 1945.

Where was the us president at the morning pearl harbor was attacked?

Pearl Harbor attack happened on the 7 December, 1941. So, the President of the USA was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Who was the president during Peral Harbor?

Assuming you mean president of the United States when the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred...Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Who was the president of the US when pearl harbor happened?

Franklin D Roosevelt

Who was your president doing Pearl Harbor?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Who was president Pearl Harbor?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Who was the president diring Pearl Harbor?

President FDR was in office. He had information on the attack before it happened but did not want to change his war or foreign policies.