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France was ticked of and sent solders into the Ruhr Valley (the main industry and mining center in Germany). France planned to use the mine and factories in the valley to pay off the reperations.

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Q: What did France do when Germany did not pay reparations?
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How did France get the money in order to repair the damage after World War 1?

No. France was one of the major winners, and the winners don't pay reparations. The country that had to pay high reparations was Germany.

When Germany failed to pay reparations in 1923 France precipitated an international crisis by?

When Germany failed to pay reparations to France in 1923, France sent troops into the Ruhr. They went to extract raw materials and finished manufactured goods in exchange.

What European country wanted Germany to pay its high reparation cost?

France wanted Germany to pay reparations for the war.

Who did Germany pay 33 billion dollars to in reparations?

The treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay 33 billion dollars (£6.6 million) in reparations for the cause of WW1.

When were Germany payment reparations set to begin and what was the date which they were required to fulfill?

Germany was set to pay $367 billion. Germany was set to pay reparations over the next 30 years.

When were the reparations set to begin and what was the date which they were required to fulfill?

Germany was set to pay $367 billion. Germany was set to pay reparations over the next 30 years.

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making Germany pay reparations

What was part France goal after the war?

Taking Germany's colonies Heavy reparations for Germany

What country had to pay reparations following World War 1?


What were reparations during ww1?

Respirations in World War One is when Germany lost, it had to pay reparations to Great Britain, France and Russia. They gave them back the land that they stole and money to rebuild their nations' land.

Why did France occupy Germany's Ruhr Valley in 1923?

France occupied Germany's Ruhr Valley in 1923, partly for the economic goods of coal, iron, and steel production, and partly to ensure reparations were paid in goods. The German mark was worthless, and Chancellor Wilhelm Cuno had failed to pay reparations after World War I.