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The daughters were considered the property of their fathers. They were taught household skills and had very basic schooling. They were taught from a young age to believe that they were inferior to men and were not to speak their mind.

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8y ago

she would sit in the corner and wait for her one true love like princess fiona in shrek


While their options and education were limited, they didn't just sit in corners and mope forlornly. They carried out household tasks or learnt skills such as needlework and music, although purely as amateurs.

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Daughters day is on 1 July

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Nothing. The Globe theatre was one of the Elizabethan theatres. Think of "Elizabethan" as a time or type, not an actual theatre with that name.

Is there such thing as daughters day?

Apparently there is no universal date established for this. - In India, the day in 2011 was variously given as July 8 and September 25. - International Daughters Day is celebrated on September 4 annually. - Sons and Daughters Day is August 11.

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