last pharaoh died about 2000 years ago.
when he did, he was mummified.
the soft organs were removed from his body (some bottled, some discarded)
the remains, mostly muscle & bone, was dried (mainly with natron)
then he was wrapped in linen, put in a sarcophagus and buried- normally in a pyramid, sometimes in a cave.
AnswerIn the ancient times, when pharaohs died, their brains and other organs that they thought they wouldn't need were taken out of them. they were wrapped and buried in the valley of the kings with the stuff they thought they would need for the afterlife, like maybe their clothes, jewelry, and sometimes even their pets and guards.most of the time in ancient Egypt they embalmed (mummified) them and removed the brain, organs, etc. and buried them in a coffin in a pyramid believing they would be granted life after death by the god of life after death.
The pharaoh's believed in the afterlife, and that their body and tombs were like their new homes. Everything went in there. All of their personal possessions: jewelry, clothing, pets, etc. In many cases, their servants were left in the tombs as well, in a separate chamber. They lay the pharaoh's to rest in the place they wanted to be:) hope that helped
pharaoh's were actually the leaders of the egyptians. But the egyptians were a tribe. A new pharaoh was eleccted when an old one died. hope that helped you. :)
While a pharaoh was alive, he was Horus. When he died, he became Osiris. Later the pharaoh also became associated with Ra/Re.
While a pharaoh was alive, he was Horus. When he died, he became Osiris. Later the pharaoh also became associated with Ra/Re.
The Pharaoh.
YES. Ancient Egyptians offered numerous animal sacrifices to appease the gods of the Egyptian Pantheon. While there was minimal human sacrifice to the gods, there was human retainer sacrifice, which was when servants in a Pharaoh's retinue would be killed when the Pharaoh died in order to accompany the Pharaoh in the afterlife. This was discontinued in later dynasties.
pharaoh's were actually the leaders of the egyptians. But the egyptians were a tribe. A new pharaoh was eleccted when an old one died. hope that helped you. :)
Ancient Egyptians believed that their ruler was a god on Earth and when he died, he would become Osirus.
The Egyptians
they believed the Pharaoh was the god horus
They belived the pharaoh was a living god.
While a pharaoh was alive, he was Horus. When he died, he became Osiris. Later the pharaoh also became associated with Ra/Re.
While a pharaoh was alive, he was Horus. When he died, he became Osiris. Later the pharaoh also became associated with Ra/Re.
to trap an evil god and to honor Pharaoh Khafre when they fought and they both died
The Pharaoh desides if he wants to see you!
Ancient Egyptians did. :)