fight for the right and free his people of the land
Eddie Mabo campaigned for indigenous land rights and believed that indigenous people had the right to own land.
Eddie Mabo died before his last case. Land rigts and native title was ammended.
eddie marbo is swag
He had become an environmentalist .
Annie Mabo is the mother of Eddie Mabo.
fight for the right and free his people of the land
Eddie Mabo's birth name was Eddie Koiki Sambo.
Eddie Mabo was an Torres straight islander, and an Aboriginie.
Eddie Mabo died of Cancer at 55
Eddie Mabo was married in 1959.
What methods did Eddie Mabo use to protest?
It is disrespectful to say because Eddie Mabo did a very respectful thing in Australia's/ Aboriginal 's history.
Eddie Mabo altogether had 10 children with his wife, Bonita Neehow.
Eddie Mabo campaigned for indigenous land rights and believed that indigenous people had the right to own land.
Eddie Mabo died before his last case. Land rigts and native title was ammended.