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Q: What did Duke of Wellington invent?
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Related questions

What is Wellington's full name?

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington"Duke of Wellington" and "The Iron Duke". .

When was Duke of Wellington - title - created?

Duke of Wellington - title - was created in 1814.

When was Duke of Wellington's Regiment created?

Duke of Wellington's Regiment was created in 1702.

How do you index royalty Duke of Wellington or Wellington Duke of?

No Duke of Wellington has been royalty. You mean either peers or nobility. I've most often seen the following form: Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Which, by the way, is how Wikipedia sorts the Iron Duke.

What is Duke of Wellington's eponym?

Wellington boots.

Who was British General who defeated Napoleon in 1815?

The English general was the Duke of Wellington. The battle of Waterloo took place during the reign of George IV.

Was the 5th duke of wellington related to the 1st duke of wellington?

Yes, he was (all the Dukes of Wellington, right up to and including the current, living members of the family, were/are related to the first Duke).

Why was Wellington monument built?

it was built as a memorial to the duke of wellington

What nicknames did Wellington Mara go by?

Wellington Mara went by Duke.

Who was beef Wellington named after?

I think it's named after the Duke of Wellington.

What were the achievements of duke of wellington?

these nuts!(:

The Duke of Wellington's portrait appeared on which British banknote?

The Duke of Wellington was portrayed on the Bank of England £5 note, now out of circulation.