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D-Day was the Allied invasion of Normandy in order to push back the Germans and free France from German rule. It was significant because it was one of the largest battles of World War II, with troops from the United States, Britain, Canada, and freed forces from France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and more. Although the Allies suffered the most casualties of any WWII battle and the Germans were at a superior position, D-Day turned out to be a huge success and allowed the Allies to advance to Paris and free France.

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The D-Day invasion took place on 5 beaches in Normandy, France on 6th June 1944. The Allied forces, British, American, Canadian and smaller allies, landed about 175,000 men by sea, air and parachute to gain a foothold in Europe to defeat Hitler's armies. Hitler had 4 - 5 times as many troops in France but they lacked cohesive leadership, tanks, air power and planning. The Allies fought them to a surrender only 9 months later. This was the largest and best planned invasion in history and the turning point of World War Two in Europe.

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What was d-day and why does it play such a part in the allies fate?

D DAY was the day the allies went to recapture france the battle following Dieppe In World War 2 in comparisson to WW1 in a sense dieppe was like the battle of the sommes and dday was like the battle of vimy ridge. Dieppe was a failure and the lessons learned lead to the success of Dday. Dday played an important part in the allies fate because the allies recaptured france who had fell to russia only 6 weeks into war. this marked the last battle in europe in ww2.