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"Darn you fire!" Supoosedly that was what he said.

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Q: What did Captain Preston say to his troops?
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Who defended Captain Thomas Preston in 1770?

Captain Preston was defended by John Adams and his assistant Josiah Quincy

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Did captain thomas Preston have kids?

no he didn't

When was Captain Thomas Preston born?

He was born in 1722 the same year as sam Adams

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Why did John Adams defend Captain Thomas Preston after the Boston Massacre?

John Adams believed that captain Preston would help end the war between the colonies and euroupe

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the battle was won by Oliver Cromwell and his troops

Who was the British troop's commander in the Boston Massacre trial?

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Were the captain guilty of the Boston massacre?

Captain Preston was guilty charged with man-slaughter; meaning he acted in self defense.

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Captain Preston did not order the soldiers to fire their bayonets.

Who was the commanding officer of the british soldiers during the boston massacre?

Captain Preston

Who defended captain Preston during the Boston massacre trail?

john adams