AnswerHartford, Connecticut.on June 16, 1902
yes she did yes she did
Answerhuey gabut
The address of the Old Mission Santa Barbara is: , Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3611
The address of the Hermitage Santa Barbara is: 1600 W Mountain Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93103-1669
Barbara McClintock was born on June 16, 1902.
Barbara McClintock was born on June 16, 1902.
Barbara McClintock was a cytogeneticist. Please see the link.
Barbara McClintock's parents were Sara Handy McClintock and Thomas Henry McClintock. Sara was a gifted artist and Thomas was a physician.
Barbara McClintock is an American writer and illustrator, known for her children's books. It is unknown if she is married.
Barbara McClintock is best known for being an American scientist. Barbara lived a total of 92 years and was never married.
Grandma Moses died when she was 101 and Barbara McClintock died when she was 90.
Barbara McClintock passed away from natural causes in 1992 at the age of 90.
barbara mccclintocks
A cytogeneticist
Barbara McClintock was born in the United States in Hartford, Connecticut. Barbara is best known for her work in science.