Life can go on without television. The poorest ancient Egyptians worked, and only celebrated during festivals. The richer ones would entertain themselves with social gatherings, music, etc.
Ancient Egyptians did not have TVs. Instead, they entertained themselves with various activities such as storytelling, music, dance, Board Games, and spectacles like sporting events or theatrical performances. They also engaged in daily tasks and responsibilities, such as farming, craftsmanship, and religious rituals.
Ancient Egyptians do not exist today. Modern Egyptians read and write Arabic, which is the national language of Egypt.
The ancient Egyptians writing is called: Hieroglyphics.
The Ancient Egyptians used pyramids to help them prepare for the afterlife.
The ancient Egyptians expressed themselves by the use of writing.
The ancient Egyptians instead of fighting the enemy the would kill themselves.
ancient Egyptians used lyre
the egyptians used papyrus to write on.papyrus was derived from a plant and it was used instead of paper Papyrus or paper reed (Cyperus papyrus) is a plant used by the ancient Egyptians to make paper much the same way as we do today.
ancient egyptians used animal fat.
The Ancient Egyptians used crushed and mixed herbs as medicine.
I really don't think ancient egyptians used diapers
Ancient Egyptians do not exist today. Modern Egyptians read and write Arabic, which is the national language of Egypt.
The ancient Egyptians writing is called: Hieroglyphics.