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Naval power.

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Q: What did Alfred mahan say was needed for world dominance?
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What policy was clearly influenced by the ideas of Alfred Thayer Mahan?

Alfred Thayer Mahan was a great strategist, and believed heavily in the power of a country's navy. His writings influenced every naval program the world over.

What was the message of Alfred Thayer Mahan?

Since the world was covered mostly by water, only a strong navy would enable a nation to "project" it's military might (armies) across the globe. If a nation didn't have a strong navy, they could not compete in the world's Arms Race; they could not be a major player, just part of the audience sitting on the side lines. What good is a strong army, if it can't reach an enemy to conquer (because of an ocean)? Mahan influenced the Kaiser & the Tsar of Russia to build up their navies. Britain already thought along Mahan's lines. The Kaiser slyly eliminated his cousin Nick of Russia, by getting him into a fight with Japan in 1904...which effectively caused the loss of 2 of Russia's 3 battleship fleets; thus removing him from the (naval arms) Race.

Which admiral organized the German navy of World War 1?

Captain Mahan organized the German navy of World War 1.

Who was the US admiral who encouraged the US to strengthen its naval power to become a world power?

Admiral Mahan

How are the second punic war and world war 2 similar?

In no sense - one was a battle for dominance of the Western Mediterranean between Carthage and Rome, the other was a battle for dominance of the world by Germany and Japan, involving most of the world countries.

Related questions

Who wrote the influential report saying the navy was needed to become a world power?

Alfred Thayer Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" .

Did Alfred Thayer Mahan argue that the key to world power was a strong infantry?

no. Alfred said ''that the key to world dominace was to overpower the sea.''

What did Alfred Mahan think was the key to America becoming a world power?

Naval power.

What policy was clearly influenced by the ideas of Alfred Thayer Mahan?

Alfred Thayer Mahan was a great strategist, and believed heavily in the power of a country's navy. His writings influenced every naval program the world over.

Who urged the us had to strenghten its naval forces before becoming a world power?

Alfred T. Mahan

What did Alfred T Mahan urge government officials to do and why?

To expan naval power to become a world power.

Who advised the American government that strengthening the Navy would be a key to becoming a world power?

Alfred T. Mahan

What did Alfred Thayer Mahan argue?

The Key to U.S. World domination was control of the seas.

How did the ideas of American Navy Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan influece world leaders?

He believed that countries should have bigger navies.

What was the significance of Alfred Mahan to American imperialism?

Alfred Thayer Mahan's book "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" was highly influential because it altered the strategy and goals of nations who were maritime powers ; his influence cannot by readily dismissed for his thinking changed the world . ~ Look to the related links below .

What did Alfred Thayer Mahan right to influence the US policy?

He urged America to have a massive navy to intimidate the rest of the world and to have many naval bases around the world.

What did Alfred Thayer Mahan say would result from American sea power?

Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that American sea power would result in increased trade, economic prosperity, and the ability to project political influence globally. He believed that control of the seas was essential for a nation's security and success in the modern world.