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Albert Speer was Hitlers architect and German minister for Armaments from 1942 to 1945. Albert Apeer was one of Hitlers favourite people and both enjoyed eachothers company greatly as they both had architecture in common. Albert Speer joined the NAZI party in 1931 and 1934 Speer became Hitlers personal architect.

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Q: What did Albert Speer achieve for the Nazi regime?
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Where did Albert speer live?

Albert Speer lived in Mannheim, Germany. Albert Speer was an architect and Minister of Armaments and War Production for Nazi Germany.

Who was the nazi architect imprisoned after the Nuremberg trials?

It was Albert Speer.

Did albert speer have a wife?

Albert Speer did have a wife. Her name was Margarete Weber. He was a high-ranking minister in Nazi Germany's Third Reich. At the Nuremburg trials, he was the only Nazi who apologized for his actions.

What was Adolf Hitler's master architect's name?

not 100% sure what you mean but Albert Speer was Chief Arcitect for Hitler before he mvoed to minesterial job the Nazi artichect in terms of hte final solution was Heinrich Himmler Hope this answers your question

What is Albert Speer famous for?

From documentaries I've seen on television, Albert Speer was Hitler's architect and became one of his closest confidants. He was responsible for most of the ornate building designs that promoted Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Who was the only convicted nazi to express remorse for the holocaust?

out of the Nazi leadership it was Speer.

Where did Albert Einstein flee from?

Albert Einstein fled Germany in 1933 due to the rise of the Nazi regime and their persecution of Jewish people. He moved to the United States, where he continued his work and eventually became a citizen.

How long did Albert Einstein live in Germany for?

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879 and lived there until 1933. He fled to the United States in 1933 due to the rise of the Nazi regime.

Who was the greatest Nazi?

The greatest Nazi was Albert Speer because he survived the war and his war atrocities were ignored. In fact he was considered in his lifetime "the good Nazi" Since his death he is better understood as the devious opportunist that he really was and were he in the Nuremberg trials today he would likely receive the same sentence as the others in Hitler's inner circle.

Can you have a list of Nazi decendants?

Here's a list of Nazi decendants.Gudrun Burwitz, daughter of Heinrich Himmler (leader of the SS). She is still active in Neo-Nazi circles today. She is attempting to re-found the Hitler Youth.Martin Adolf Bormann, son of Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary, and Hitler's godson. He understands where he comes from and is horrified by it. He travels throughout schools in Austria and Germany, speaking of the horrors of the Third Reich, and even travelling to Israel to meet Holocaust survivors.Albert Speer, Jr., son of Albert Speer, official of the Nazi Party. Albert (Jr) is a prominent architect in Munich. He has no known ties to Neo-Nazism.Hilde Schramm, daughter of Albert Speer (see above). She is a known activist for people who have had Nazi attrocites perpetrated upon them.Wolf Rudiger Hess, son of Rudolf Hess. Claims that his father was murdered in 1987 by British officials to make sure he didn't reach parole after his Nuremburg jail sentence.Margret Nissen, Albert Speer's daughter. No known ties to Neo-Nazism.Eystein Eggen, son of the editor of a Nazi-SS magazine.Edda Goering, daughter of Hermann Goering (leader of the Luftwaffe, and Hitler's desired successor).Klaus, Horst, Dieter, and Ricardo Eichmann, Adolf Eichmann's four sons. None of them have any known ties to Neo-Nazism.

Why did Albert Einstein flee Germany?

Albert Einstein fled Germany in 1933 due to the rise of the Nazi party and the increasingly hostile environment for Jewish people. His scientific work and Jewish heritage made him a target of persecution under the Nazi regime.

Why did albert speer stop the production of Landkreuzer P 1000 Ratte?

Albert Speer, the minister of armament and war production in Nazi Germany, stopped the production of the Landkreuzer P 1000 Ratte because he deemed it impractical and a waste of resources. The massive tank was too large and would have required tremendous amounts of materials and manpower to construct, which would have been better utilized for more effective weapons in the war effort.