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Q: What democratic values did the sedition act violate?
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How did the democratic-republicans react to the alien and sedition act?

Democratic-Republicans fought the Alien and Sedition acts.

The Sedition Act was aimed at the supporters of which political party?


What group was most affected by the sedition act?

The Democratic Republicans were most affected

Who opposed the Alien and Sedition Act democratic republicans or fedralists?

thomas jefferson

What was one effect of the alien and sedition act?

To limit the power of the Democratic Republican Party.

What was One effect of the alien and sedition act was?

To limit the power of the Democratic Republican Party.

Why did Federalists targets immigrants in the alien and sedition act?

Most immigrants supported the Democratic Republicans.

Why did federalists target immigrants in the alien and sedition act?

Most immigrants supported the Democratic Republicans.

Who wrote the sedition acts?

The Sedition Act was passed by a Federalist led legislature to curb criticism of the Adams Administration. Though allegedly passed to assure national security, historians agree they were mainly passed to silence the Federalist opposition that was coming from the Democratic Republican party. French immigrants supported the Democratic Republicans. The Act was repealed by the Naturalization Act of 1802.

Who wrote sedition act?

The Sedition Act was passed by a Federalist led legislature to curb criticism of the Adams Administration. Though allegedly passed to assure national security, historians agree they were mainly passed to silence the Federalist opposition that was coming from the Democratic Republican party. French immigrants supported the Democratic Republicans. The Act was repealed by the Naturalization Act of 1802.

How did the espionage act and the sedition act of 1918 violate the 1 amendment?

They were the Alien and Sedition Acts, enacted by John Adams. Among other things, parts of the Acts violated the 1st Amendment because it made it illegal to give 'bad press' to a public official (like John Adams, himself, a constant and merciless target of ridicule and insult masterminded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on the Democratic-Republican side and Alexander Hamilton (among others) on the Federalist side). One would want to search query the Acts to find out everything about them.

What was the negative consequence of the sedition act?

A negative consequence of the Sedition Act?