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Election Day for federal office holders only take place in even-number years. The day set for congressional elections is the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

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Q: What day is established for congressional general elections?
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U.S Presidential and Congressional are always on what day of the week?

U.S. Presidential elections are always on the first Tuesday of November, and Congressional elections are also typically held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

Under the Constitution congressional elections are held .?

on the same day in every state and every 2 years

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Elections for Congressional officers are held on the first Tuesday of November.

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Congressional elections are held every?

every year, on the same day in every state novanet

What day does presidential general elections occur.r?

The U.S. general elections occur every four years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The next general election will occur on November 6, 2012.

What happens on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November?

The General Election happens on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

What is the rule for determining the date of general elections in Illinois?

Federal and state general elections are held on the same day, at the same location. Illinois (and US) general elections are held on Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The actual date may be as early as November 2 or as late as November 8.

In most states elections for state officers are usually held?

General elections are generally held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. So, the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8th. Special elections and primary elections can be held at any time, but are typically on Tuesdays.

What day is the general election held on?

In the US, general elections are held on Tuesdays -- specifically, on Tuesday following the first Monday in November. The actual date may be as early as November 2 or as late as November 8.

When are federal elections held?

Election Day is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, so that date will be between November 2nd and November 8th. Congressional elections are held every two years (the term of election for the House) and Presidential elections every four years.

Why is election day called election day?

It's the day when elections are held (and the name The Day When Elections Are Held was too long).