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The Spanish-American War was relatively short, beginning on April 25, 1898 and ending on August 12, 1898. However, the resulting conflict in the Philippines continued for years as the Philippine American War.

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Following a public outcry against the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana on February 15, 1898, Congress declared war on Spain on April 25, 1898.
Congress declared war on Spain on April 25, 1898.

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11y ago

The war's hostilities took place entirely with the year 1898.

From the declaration of war by Congress on April 25, 1898 to the end of hostilities on August 12, 1898, the war with Spain lasted only 109 days.

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On 25 April 1898.

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On 25 April 1898.

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15y ago

April 25,1898April 25,1898April 25,1898

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April 24, 1898

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In 1898.

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When did the Spanish - American war officially begin?

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How did the Spanish and American War begin and end?

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