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Q: What day did the Continental Congress begin to ask for help from other nations?
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What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.

What effect did the continental congress have on the colonies?

the continental congress held a meeting discussing britans unfair laws and taxes. there were 2 contininental congress mettings. one was to discuss the laws and taxes. the other was to form the continental army. congress decided that the leader of this army would be George Washington

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Agreements States enter into with both foreing nations and other States with the consent Of Congress are?

Who may declare war on other nations?

In the United States government, Congress has the power to declare war on other nations.

What did the First Continental Congress do when it met?

They discussed with each other how to defeat the British.

What role did George Washington play in the Continental Congress and how did that lead to him becoming commander of the Continental Army?

he led the army and other things.

What is National Legislature is called?

(in the US) it is known as Congress. In other nations it is known by other names.

What power does the us constitution give the congress to deal with other nations?

It gives Congress the power to not do anything helpful at all.

What power does the US constitution give to the congress to deal with other nations?

It gives Congress the power to not do anything helpful at all.

What is our national legislature also known as?

(in the US) it is known as Congress. In other nations it is known by other names.

In what was the second continental congress serve as the first national government?

The second continental congress directed the war effort, borrowed money to finance the war, coined money, bought supplies, and made treaties with other governments

Which describes most of the delegates to the Second Continental Congress?

Most delegates to the first Continental Congress were not ready to break away from Britain. The First Continental Congress met briefly in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from September 5 to October 26, 1774.