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There are two operative parts to that question. There is the implicit question as to whether a Jewish State is something that should exist. There is the explicit question as to whether the geographical location chosen for this Jewish State is proper for its mission.

1) Why a Jewish State: Herzl explained quite well that the European concept of a nation-state was dependent on the idea that all of the people in any particular nation were of the same ethnic stock and heritage. Jews were branded by this system to be "the Other" and were regarded at best as possible equals and at worse as traitors, spies, thieves, and fifth columns. When the Dreyfus Affair turned out marches in Paris that said "Death to the Jews" on account of a kangaroo court against a particular guiltless Jew, it became clear that the Jew could not be integrated into Europe. After the Holocaust, the strongest proof that the Jew and the European Nation-State were irreconcilable, this view persists. In Europe, it is now directed at the Muslims since the Jews are not large enough of a threat to the European System. Unlike Muslims, though, which can return to their countries of origin if the discrimination becomes intolerable, the Jews did not have such a place. This is why the Jewish State is necessary. Since it came into existence it has accepted Jewish political refugees from over 50 nations and flown missions at its own expense to rescue Jews from at least 10 nations.

2) Why Palestine: Ahad Ha'am explains that the Jewish Soul is intrinsically connected to his history and in the same way that a German-American can never be as properly German as a German in Germany, the People of Israel can never be as properly Jewish if they are not in the Land of Israel. The relics in that land speak to a Jewish sensibility and character. There are also religious reasons as expounded by Rav Avraham Kook which posit that the development of a Jewish State in Israel hastens the arrival of the Messiah. There are additional political reasons why Palestine and not Europe. As explained above, the European Culture is strongly anti-Other and making a Jewish State there would have fostered much more contempt and alienation (ironically).

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David Ben-Gurion among a number of other prominent Zionists founded the State of Israel through a Declaration of Independence read in Tel Aviv, Israel.

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May 14th 1948

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Q: What date did the modern state of Israel come into being?
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Where did Jakarta' settler's come from?


What state in the Midwest did corn and wheat come from?

maize (what you call corn) originates from Mexico while wheat originates from the middle east (Israel and surrounding countries)

Did the Jews come from Antarctica?

No they came from Israel -_-

Are all Christians in Israel Arabs?

No, but the majority are. There are, however, a substantial minority of Russian Christians in Israel who came in during the mass immigration from Russia. They feigned being Jewish to get out of Russia, but once they became citizens of Israel, they saw no reason to continue the farce. There is also a growing minority of Messianic Jews in Israel who come from ethnically European stock. Additionally, there are foreign citizens working in Israel who happen to be Christians not of Arab descent, such as Americans or Filipinos.

Where did the maccabees come from?

The were Jews of a priestly family, living in Israel.

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Canaan, the Land of Judea. Or modern day Israel.

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Answer 1Answering very carefully, I come up with this:-- If you're talking about the modern state of Israel, then "Israel's" religion ... that is, the religion of the nation ... is totally polytheistic, simply because that nation has no official religion. Everyone is free to practice the religion of their choice, or to practice no religion, and the laws of modern Israel prohibit religious discrimination.-- If you're talking about the people of Israel in history, then I'm sure that their religion is notpolytheistic. One thing that virtually everyone agrees on is that Judaism introduced monotheism into a polytheistic world.Answer 2The simple answer as concerns Ancient Israel is "No" and the simple answer as concerns modern Israel is "Not Applicable".The commonly explained view is that Judaism was the first religion to promote monotheism. However, there is a scholarly debate as to when this monotheistic view began. Most Jews and other Monotheists hold that the Israelites were consistently monotheistic while scholars usually say that this was a development later in history with the Israelites starting as polytheists and henotheists before becoming monotheistic.The modern State of Israel has no state religion which makes it impossible to say whether it is atheist, monotheist, henotheist, or polytheist. The state literally has no opinion on the matter. The majority of Israel's citizens today are monotheists or atheists, but this has no bearing on what the state professes. This is similar to the United States.

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