the youkut tribe usually use spears to hunt fish
the yokuts hunted all sorts of animals,but they especially hunted fish
they used spears,an unusual basket,bows,arrows,digging sticks,mortars,and pestles.
They had the Dance of the Dead ,which honored the dead yokut indians
Tequestas customs, traditions, and rituals
the youkut tribe usually use spears to hunt fish
what customs did the culusa tribe have
the yokuts hunted all sorts of animals,but they especially hunted fish
The Yokut tribe made shell bead jewelry, which included necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. They used abalone, clam, and dentalium shells to create intricate designs that were often worn during ceremonies and special occasions.
they used spears,an unusual basket,bows,arrows,digging sticks,mortars,and pestles.
They had the Dance of the Dead ,which honored the dead yokut indians
Tequestas customs, traditions, and rituals
The Comanche tribe was a relatively new tribe. They broke off from the Shoshone tribe in Wyoming in the 1600s.
there are many customs, to which do you refer?
one of the traditions of the hopi tribe is the hopi butterfly dance.