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Q: What cultural groups settled the 13 colonies and how did they influence the development?
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Who settled the middle colonies-?

German immigrants settled the middle colonies.

What was the reason the colonies settled?

Most of them settled in the colonies because of religious freedom

What was the last of the thirteen colonies to be settled?

The last of the thirteen colonies to be settled was Georgia.

What was the earliest and longest stage of cultural development?

The earliest stage of human cultural development is referred to as the Paleolithic period, beginning around 2.5 million years ago with the advent of stone tools. The longest stage of cultural development is the Neolithic period, characterized by the development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago leading to settled communities and the rise of complex societies.

Who were the thirteen colonies mainly settled by?

The English, German, Swiss and other Europen colonies settled the 13 original colonies.

What was the number one reason the early colonies were settled?

If they had not been settled, they would not have been colonies!

For which reason were the Northern Colonies initially settled?

The Northern colonies were initially settled by groups of people from England who left for religious reasons. People also settled in the Northern colonies for economic reasons.

Did the Jutes influence the development of English in the Old English Period?

Yes, the Jutes were one of the three main Germanic tribes that settled in England during the migration period. They likely had an influence on the development of Old English, particularly in the areas where they settled, such as Kent and the Isle of Wight. Their language would have contributed to the vocabulary, dialects, and phonological features of Old English.

Who sattle in the southern colonies?

The English settled in the Southern Colonies.

When were the Northern US colonies settled?

the colines were settled in the year of the hat

Which was the last of the colony's to be settled?

The last of the thirteen colonies to be settled was Georgia.

How did protestant ideas influence democratic practices?

Some historians suggested that the protestant practice of the church self-goverment helped the development of democratic practices. For example john Calvin allowed his followers to share in the governing of the church. They did this though a body of leaders and ministers called presbytery. This practice had a strong influence on puritans and Presbyterians both whom settled in English colonies.