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Q: What created barriers to river travel on the nile in ancient times?
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The Ancient River of Gold was created in 1985.

When was the Pythagorean Theroem created?

In was first created 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt to make barriers to keep the river from overflowing. They made knots on ropes to make a 3,4,5 triangle and used that to make a slope to keep the river from overflowing.

What natural barriers protected egypt?

Egypt's Natural Barriers are The Nile River, Sand Dunes, And The Desert. :) Enjoy >.<

What the effect of the groups of rocky rapids called the Nile cataracts was?

The Nile cataracts were groups of rocky rapids that created natural barriers to trade and transportation along the Nile River. They made it difficult for boats to pass through, requiring goods to be transported overland, which slowed down travel and limited trade routes in ancient Egypt.

What region of the world would you travel to in order to locate ancient mesopotamia?

You would travel to the Middle East (Iraq) between the Euphrates River and the Tirgis River, and that will lead to the spot that locates Ancient Mespotamia.

What did the Nile River provide for the Ancient Egyptisns?

more ways too travel and trade.

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How did Chinook travel?

they could travel from the Columbia river to willapa bay with out talking the round about ocean route. they used their own inland water ways,portaging at marshes,which were remnant's of the ancient river channel.

How did ancient Egyptians communicate using the Nile river?

I think Egyptians used a man payed to travel down the river walk to the destination and give the message

How do escarpments affect river travel in the region?

An escarpment will cause someone who's traveling on a river to make a detour because the escarpment forms rapids and waterfalls. They create barriers, and they block ships from sailing between the interior and the sea.

The is to ancient Indian civilization what the nile river is to ancient Egyptian civilization?

The Indus River is to ancient Indian civilization what the Nile River is to ancient Egyptian civilization.

Why did ancient egyptians travel north to south than to travel east to west?

The ancient Egyptians traveled north to south along the Nile River because the river's current flows from south to north. This made it easier for them to navigate and transport goods. Traveling east to west was more difficult due to the harsh desert landscape, which made it harder to travel and limited the availability of resources.