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There were three gulf wars in the 20th and 21st centuries. 1. Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 2. Operation Desert Storm Jan/Feb '91 3. Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003-

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Q: What country was the Persian Gulf war fought over?
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How many veterans of the Persian gulf war were fighting?

Over 500,000 Iranians and over 800,000 Iraqis fought during the war (1980-1988).

What country borders Persian Gulf on the north?

It depends on how the question is read. If the question is asking what countries have coastlines on their north that sit on the Persian Gulf, this would include: Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Bahrain. If the question is asking where the northern coastline of the Persian Gulf is, most of that touches Iran, with some carry-over to Iraq.

Who fought against each other in the gulf war?

The Gulf War of 1980-1988 was fought between Iraq and Iran over control of the Persian Gulf. Operation Desert Storm was a 30 day military campaign led by the US, Britain, and France to remove Iraq from Kuwait in Jan-Feb 1991.

How did the gulf war happen?

The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 was primarily fought over control of the Persian Gulf.

Who fought against each other in the war?

The Gulf War of 1980-1988 was fought between Iraq and Iran over control of the Persian Gulf. Operation Desert Storm was a 30 day military campaign led by the US, Britain, and France to remove Iraq from Kuwait in Jan-Feb 1991.

Why might central Asia have conflict over the Persian gulf and Oman gulf?

Many countries may feel they should have control over entry to the gulf.

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Which gulf war? '80's, 90's, or 21st century?

What is a thesis statement for the war of Iraq?

The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 was fought over control of the Persian Gulf. Operation Desert Storm January to Febuary 1991 was fought to remove Iraq from the country of Kuwait. Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 to present, was fought to remove Saddam from power; and currently, to restore law and order and stability to the country (Iraq).

What happened to the population after the Persian War?

Which Persian War? Persia fought the Greek city-states over 2,000 years ago; is your question regarding that Persian War?

Who Presided over military successes in Panama and Persian Gulf War?

George H. W. Bush

The empire fought a ten year war with the Greek city-states?

The Persian Empire fought the Persian War against a couple of hundred Greek city-states over fifty years 499-449-BCE.

Did the Persian Gulf War weaken the US?

The only serious loss was the 37 US Sailors killed, and over 20 wounded when an Iraqi Missile struck their frigate (USS STARK) in the Persian Gulf, during the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988.