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Q: What country tried to impose the Greek culture and beliefs on the Jews?
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Why did Alexander the Great want local soldiers and government officials to speak only greek?

He was attempting to impose Greek culture in his empire as he thought it superior.

How did Greek culture change and what influenced it to change?

Greek culture changed when the Romans took over the country. The Romans began to push their own culture on the Greeks.

What culture or country does the Orion the hunter come from?

it come from greek

What country culture is Beowulf from?

he is from either roman or Greek but i am not shur

What did the Ancient Greeks do to connect the small villages and city states?

concept of citizenship, religious beliefs, and language

What was the civilization that conquered the Persian Empire?

Macedonia conquered the Persian Empire and attempted to impose Greek culture. This was partially successful, but progressively was overlaid by other incoming cultures such as Roman and then Islamic.

What happened when Syria conquered Judah?

In 198 B.C, the Hellenistic king of Syria controlled Judah. Syrian rulers admired Greek culture. The introduced Greek ideas and beliefs to the Jewish people. Some Jews adopted aspects of Greek culture, and some began to worship other gods.

Is there a Greek god or goddess of culture?

No, because the only culture they had was greek culture.

Why was the usage of the greek language important?

Greek was the first common language used widely throughout the ancient world. When Greece was expanding through conquest they would impose their culture and language. Greek was based off of the alpha Beth which was the alphabet at the time. It eventually evolved into Latin and other languages.

What culture is Poseidon from?

Poseidon was a Greek god = Greek culture.

What does the hellenic culture combine?

Hellenic culture combines elements of ancient Greek traditions, philosophy, art, and architecture. It encompasses the beliefs, values, and practices of the ancient Greeks and has had a lasting influence on Western civilization.

Why did Alexander the Great spread Greek culture?

He was Greek and Greek was his culture