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None. He supplied his own ship and supplies.

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Q: What country sponsored Eric the Red?
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Who sponsored Eric the red?

He wanted to exploe

Who sponsored Eric the red's voyage?

No one. He supplied his own ship and supplies.

Which country was Eric the red from?


What country sponsored erick the red?

None. He sailed for himself.

What country did Eric the red name?


What country was Eric the Red born?


What country did Eric the red expore for?

None. He sailed for himself.

Eric the Red from what country did the explorer sail?

He sailed from Iceland.

Who or what country did Eric The Red explore for?

None. He sailed for himself.

What country did Eric the red sail for?

None. He sailed for himself.

What country sponsored Samuel de Champlain trip?

the country that sponsored the trip was France.

What country supplied ships for Eric the red?

None. He supplied his own ship and supplies.